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CALL  FOR  PROPOSALS - How to submit?

Realisation through Immersion: reflections on self awareness through sensory engagement.


“To know things you have to grow into them, and let them grow into you, so that they become part of who you are...the mere provision of information holds no guarantee of knowledge, let alone understanding.”  -Tim Ingold


We invite creative practitioners and researchers to submit a proposal that respond to the theme of ‘Immersion’ to then present and be a part of this one day research symposium.


Immersion can be understood as both an intense form of engagement, where all our faculties are engaged, but also as a kind of sensory stimulation  that suggests ideological control or escapism. In this symposium, contributors are invited to respond to the aesthetic and political implications of immersion, especially focused upon questions to do with creative practice. Immersion might be understood, for example, through the way that making immerses the maker in a process, or the way that in participatory art and performance the artist and audience are immersed in an experience.  


We want to initiate a dialogue between different artistic mediums and the general public to discuss and question the ideas and problems that arise from different approaches to this subject.


The symposium will be an opportunity to network with like-minded practitioners in a multi-disciplinary forum to openly discuss, exchange insights and question ideas. We are not looking for just conclusive statements as we will be offering a platform for new and aspiring researchers to gain experience of presenting their ideas.


Submitting a proposal:


Proposals, 250 words, which provide an overview of your topic are to be submitted to with 'Symposium proposal' as the email subject heading.

The Symposium will be Thursday 3rd November 2016.

The event will be helf at Plymouth Arts Centre.


Those selected will each have 20mins to present their topic with 10mins buffer to expand and answer any burning questions from the audience before moving on to the next speaker. Once all have delivered their research/findings/work there will be another opportunity to discuss thoughts on immersion openly in a relaxed and informative space.


A schedule of the event will also be up on this site once we know the numbers of who will be participating.

We invite proposals from anyone who feels their work explores and/or relates to the ideas presented above to form an interdisplinary dialogue — you may fall within the one of the following categories:


  • Practice-led presentations and case studies: related to past or present projects that exhibit substantial engagement with the symposium theme, and which might typically connect to practitioners, processes, products, projects, enterprises, collectives, institutions, ideas, campaigns, initiatives, and curatorial practices and strategies.

  • Historical and theoretical papers: rooted in examinations of the broader contextual issues and critical discourses connected to the symposium theme. This may include perspectives derived from historical, technological, social-cultural, philosophical aesthetic, and/or political and economic models of enquiry.

  • Unconventional formats: we also welcome proposals for innovative presentation formats that might include performance, objects, AV, and other media and materials, albeit that the presentation must fit within a 20 minutes (max) slot.


Once Submitted, and the deadline for submission has been reached, we will begin reviewing and shortlisting each proposal. You will be contacted within 1 week [by 3rd October at the latest] whether you have been accepted or not.


We look forward to hearing you.

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